Monday, August 19, 2019

Anderson Union High School
Monday~ August 19, 2019

RTI- We will remain on a NO RTI schedule the rest of this week.  Please use the following schedule:

Period 1                   7:45 - 8:43 am           (58)
Period 2                   8:48 - 9:46 am           (58)
Period 3                   9:56 - 10:54 am         (58)
Period 4                   10:59 - 11:57 am       (58)
Lunch                      11:57 - 12:27 pm       (30)
Period 5                   12:32 - 1:30 pm         (58)
Period 6                   1:35 – 2:33 pm          (58)

Swim:  The swim team will be open for new members for the next two weeks.  If you are considering joining, see Mr. Williams in room 219 as soon as possible, so he can order you a free team suit.  Swimming is a great sport to try, even if you’ve never done another sport or you just want to get in shape and learn to swim better. Go talk to Mr. Williams today to join the swim team.
Attention all girls: Golf practice/tryouts start TODAY at Tucker Oaks Golf Course.  You do not have to know how to golf or even own clubs to tryout but you do have to have your gold card.  We will teach you how to play.  Make sure you have your physical and all your paperwork turned in and pick up you gold card in the student store.  If you want to play contact Mrs. Romero between passing periods. I am  in room 316 period 4 &5. If you can't get your gold card by Monday at least come and talk to me. 
Attention Cubs: If you are still interested in playing football this year it is not too late. Athletic paperwork can be picked up from Marti in the student store. If you have any questions please see Mr. Russell, Mr. Penick, or Mr. Stout.

Pictures Make up day:  Students who DID NOT have their pictures taken during round up will get their pictures taken on TODAY this will also include all Staff for new Staff ID badges.  This is not for re-takes those are scheduled for a later date.

Cubs Sports Weekly Schedule

Opponent/Event Title
Pierce Scrimmage