Monday, December 14, 2020



Anderson Union High School

Monday~ December 14, 2020


Seniors: Cal State University campuses have extended their priority application deadlines for Fall 2021 to December 15th, 2020. You still have time to complete your application! Make an appointment or stop by the counseling office or Go Center to meet with your counselor or TRIO/UB advisor to get help on completing the application. Through the Education Opportunities Program (EOP) as well as grants and scholarships received, you could receive enough money to pay for your tuition and expenses to earn a degree from a CSU campus! Ask your counselor or advisor how you can apply for more financial aid.

Seniors: Ultimate Grad will be here on January 22nd to collect orders


Students:  Canned food drive starting on TODAY thru Thursday December 17th, students will bring their canned goods to their first period teacher, the students from the winning class will each win a Dutch bros gift card.

Attention all students: We will be dressing it up for Fa la la Finals next week.

·         Today is Ugly Sweater Day. Dress up in your best ugly sweater.

·         Tomorrow is Timber Tuesday. Bring out your best lumberjack by wearing something flannel.

·         Wednesday is Holiday Headgear Wednesday. We want to see your holiday beanies, hats, headbands, or whatever you wear on top of your head to celebrate the holidays.

·         Thursday is Pajama day. We want you to be comfortable on the last day of the fall semester.

Also, remember to post pictures of your spirit outfits on Instagram using #auhsfalalafinals. At the end of the week, Leadership will vote on a winner, and they will receive a $20 gift card to a surprise location.